Saturday, December 29, 2007

How Can I Improve My Course Management?

What can I do over winter to improve my course management?

If you play a course on a regular basis and are currently looking out of a window watching the snow fall, you can plot where you made your birdies from on each hole. Keeping in mind the birdies that you have in the past, make a list of the holes at your local course and answer the following questions:
When I made birdie, I used ______club off of the tee and my drive was typically ended up where?
When I made birdie, the flag was typically in what position?
When I made birdie, how far away from the flag was my putt?

Answering these three questions will help you plot where you need to be to give yourself the best chance to make more birdies this coming year!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Monday, December 24, 2007

How Do I Properly Hold The Golf Club?

I have been told that I have a weak grip. What does that mean and what should it be?

Good question. A weak grip simply means that your left and/or right hand is turned to far to the left. For example, the "V" that is created between your thumb and forefinger should point to your right shoulder for a right-handed golfer. If either "V" is pointing to the left of your shoulder it would be considered weak. Read the article Clap For Your Golf Grip to improve your grip.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Monday, December 17, 2007

Can I Get Help With My Chipping?

I keep hitting behind the ball when I try to chip the golf ball. Not only is it embarrassing, but then I am looking at the same shot again. How can I fix this problem with my chipping?

Typically this occurs when you are trying to help the ball up in the air. Remember, you want to strike a chip with your putting stroke. Read the two articles below, boot camp for chip shots and chipping lessons to help you improve your chipping and improve your short game.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Friday, December 14, 2007

How Can I Make More Putts

I am having trouble with my putting stroke and need to make more putts. From any distance, I keep missing putts on the left-side of the hole and I do not understand why. Please help as it is killing my scores and my buddies will not leave it alone.

Unfortunately, your buddies are not going to let it go because it is probably filling their pockets!!! So let's go to work and get you fixed.

First, we need to make sure your putting alignment is good. With putting, your alignment is determined by your shoulders. Make sure your shoulders are aligned parallel left to the target.

Second, stroke putts from three to ten feet with only you rright hand on the club and your left hand in your pocket or on your hip. Make sure you hold your finish for a count of three.

After spending a short amount of time with these two ideas you will make more putts and starting collecting from your buddies!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Thursday, December 13, 2007

How Do I Start My Kids In Golf?

I have two children a boy 10 years old and a girl 12 years old. Being a long-time golfer myself, I am happy that my daughter has expressed interest in starting to play golf. I am happy about this because we could spend some more time together. How do I get her and her brother started?

That is great that your daughter wants to learn how to play golf this great game! The main thing for both of your kids is to keep the game fun for them. At first they may tire quickly and be ready to go before you are ready. Do not get frustrated be happy you got to spend that time with them. Below are some articles that should help guide you as well.

Lessons For Junior Golfers
Secrets To Keep Golf Fun For Juniors

Good Luck!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Monday, December 10, 2007

Golf Swing Alignment

Every time I ask my buddy for help with my full swing, he tells me that I am not lined up correctly. How do I know if he is right?

This is a common question and luckily an easy one ot answer. We have the answers outlined in the article Golf Swing Alignment. There are two ways to check this with things that you can find on you or in your golf bag!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Friday, December 7, 2007

Stop Shanking Golf Shots

I have been playing golf for a little while and carry a 24 handicap. Recently, I have started shanking the ball. It is embarassing! What can I do to stop?

I will get right to it then:
  1. Make sure when you are addressing the golf ball as well as through the impact zone that you are in balance. When people get into hitting this unspeakable shot, the shank, typically their weight goes to their toes especially during impact.

  2. Make sure you are not standing too close to the ball. As you take your address your hands should be underneath your chin.

  3. The final thing would be to make sure you are turning to and not sliding toward the target. To do this make sure you are all of the way up on the right toe of your shoe as in the picture.

Use this info to help you and let us know how it goes!!!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How Can I Find A Golf Fitness Book?

As the new year is right around the corner, I am trying to put my golf fitness goals in place for the new year. I would like to lower my handicap and my weight. With so many different golf fitness books available, how do I know which golf fitness book will work for me?

Good question. Believe it or not, some golf fitness books do not use golf specific exercises. They use general exercises. The article, Find The Right Golf Fitness Book For You, will lead you through the sea of golf fitness books and assist you to find the golf fitness book that would work for you.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Do I Handle First Tee Nerves?

When I play in a big tournament, I get very nervous. I mean very nervous. The last tournament I played in I could feel my heart beating so fast that I thought other people could see it beating through my shirt! What can I do to control these first tee nerves?

Thank you for the question and I guess the good news is that you are not alone! Even Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods have talked at length about how they welcome being nervous on the first tee. Let's talk about two different ways to help you and everyone else with this.

  1. Monitor your breathing - Whether you are warming up on the range prior to your round or you are around the first tee, you need to monitor your breathing. Take a couple of steps away from everyone else and exhale through your nose as much as you can. Then hold your breath and feel your body relax. Begin to breathe through your nose, very slowly and follow your breath as it enters and goes through your body. Now exhale and follow that breath as it leaves your entire body. Repeat for as many breathes as needed.
  2. Jump around - This is a great tip that was given to me by Kenny Armstrong, the diving coach of olympic gold medalist, Laura Wilkinson. When you feel your heart racing find a spot that you can jump up and down until you are tired. You body will automatically react by slowing your heart rate.

In addition, read our article How to prepare for a golf tournament. As usual let us know how these tips help you.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Monday, December 3, 2007

Distance When I Putt

I am having trouble with my putting. My question is about the putting stance. How do you know how far away you should stand away from the ball while you are putting?

Good question. I will give you two different ways to set up to make more putts and go about finding the correct distance to stand away from the ball while putting.
  1. The quick answer is as you address the ball, make sure your hands are under your chin.
  2. Spend a few minutes in front of a full length mirror. Montior the distance of toe-line to ball distance so that your eyes are over the golf ball and is comfortable for you.

Now that you are set up to make more putts do not forget to track your way to better putting.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

A Quick Holiday Gift

I am looking for an idea for an inexpensive golf gift that I can take to all of the upcoming Holiday Parties. Any ideas for me?

Golf Wine Charms are a quick and easy gift. Everyone can have fun with and enjoy these tokens at dinners, meetings and parties. You can use Golf Wine Charms as a gift for many different occasions. Some examples of how you can use these are as follows:

· Holiday Gift – Are you looking for an inexpensive last minute gift? Wine charms. Looking for a stocking stuffer? Wine Glass Identifiers. A gift for a white elephant Christmas party? Again, wine charms fit the bill.
· The Boss’s House – You have been invited to your or your spouses Boss’s home for a dinner. As a token of your appreciation for being invited to dinner, what do you take? Obviously, taking a bottle of wine has been used time and time again. Then comes the question, which bottle? A bottle of red? A bottle of white? Who knows? Why not change it up and take a set of wine charms? It never hurt to be noticed by the boss or their spouse to adding something to their dinner.
· Country Club Wine TastingGolf Wine Charms will not only add some fun to your table’s wine tasting, they are also inexpensive. Whether you stay with a theme of the wine tasting or go with a golf theme the wine charms will definitely get the conversation started.
· Ladies – In your golf meetings, individualize your wine glass and keep track of your wine as well. Ladies you can also use a set of wine charms in your post round lunch that are handed out depending on what happened out on the golf course whether your round of golf was nine or eighteen holes.
· Gentlemen – Guys do not count these out as you can use the charms or identifiers on the handle of your beer mugs! As I have sat in many of these evening Golf Association meetings myself, I have always wanted to make sure that I have the correct mug on many occasions. Golf themed charms allow me to do that. If you have a usual group, you could assign the identifiers by what happened out on the golf course to add more fun to your round.

As you can see, wine charms can be used in many ways. Wine charms are flexible in how they can be used such as wine glass identifiers, beer mug identifiers, stocking stuffers or a gift to a host or hostess. They are great conversation pieces and will add a nice touch from a meeting to a dinner to a flat out party. For other Holiday gift ideas go to VGS Golf.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What is "Over The Top?"

I am told by my friends that I have a problem with coming "over the top" in my golf swing. What does that mean and I how do I fix it?

This is a very common problem. The term "over the top" is refering to the fact that you are starting your golf swing with your upper body or shoulders as opposed to your lower body or hips.

When you are coming over the top, your divots go to the left of your target. This means that your shaft is going through impact moving to the left of your target. You will need to focus on making your shaft go at the target and even to the right of the target at first. Be aware of your divots and you will be on your way to fixing your swing challenge. Let us know how it goes!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Friday, November 23, 2007

How To Improve My Putting?

I want to improve my putting however, I am confused with all of the different putting aids and putting books that are available. What should I use?

Like many weight-loss diets, many people think a golf training aid or a golf instruction book are too good to be true. Many of the ads for golf training aids come along with hefty claims such as being able to knock ten strokes off of your game or by cutting you handicap in half. You have learned that if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. So which golf training aids or golf instruction books will help you improve your game? Below is a putting aid and a golf book that you can use in unison to improve your putting indoors or out.

1. The Putting Arc Deluxe
Your putting stroke will improve because this golf training aid is based upon natural body movement. This body movement can be quickly learned and repeated. With regular use, the results can be seen in a short period of time. The putter head travels in a perfect circle (radius R). The projection of this circle on the ground is an ellipse in the shape of Putting Arc Deluxe. The putter is always on plane and the intersection of this plane with the ground is a straight line, the ball/target line. With the Putting Arc Deluxe, the club face is always square to the above plane. In addition, it is only square to the ball target line at the center line of the Putting Arc. You are learning an inside to square to inside putting stroke. In this perfect putting stroke, there is only one moving part. The hands, arms and shoulders rotate as one unit and no manipulation of the hands or arms are required to follow the correct path with a correct clubface.

2. The Art of Putting by Stan Utley
In The Art of Putting, Stan Utley’s golf book outlines his putting fundamentals for players of all levels, from beginners to very skilled. Stan Utley’s easy to understand method will allow you to develop a repeatable stroke. Utley introduces you to the fundamentals of the proper grip, posture, alignment, and stroke. The Art of Putting will give you guidelines for finding the correct putter for you and the type of stroke you have. In addition, how a putt should sound and how to read greens properly. No matter what your current skill level is, Stan Utley keeps his theories easy to read and to implement for all players from beginners to skilled players in The Art of Putting. Everyone can enjoy this easy read instruction book.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving To All!!!

Happy Thanksgiving To All!!! We hope that everyone has a great "Turkey Day."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Putting Drill With One Hand

I have lost my sense of feel on the greens. I can not judge the distance of any putt. I am usually short of the hole and if the ball gets past the hole it seems to keep going forever. Do you have a drill that can help me?

Of course! This is an easy putting drill and it will not take long to see a change in your distance control. Start just two feet away from the hole and take your setup. Before you stroke your putt remove your left hand and put it on your left hip or in your left pocket. Now stroke the putt with your right hand only. Yes hit a putt with one hand! Do this until you have holed five in a row and then move away from the hole to four feet and etc.

This drill will improve yor stroke by making the putter swing open on the backswing, return to square at impact and then close on the follow through.

Let us know how it goes!!!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How Can I Increase My Clubhead Speed?

I do not hit the ball very far. I am told that I do not have much swing speed. How can I increase my golf swing speed?

You can increase your clubhead speed with this full swing drill. Since you do not even need a golf ball for this drill, you can even practice on the golf course in between swings. Take your normal golf grip and make your normal backswing and stop at the top of the golf swing. Now, lower the club onto your right shoulder keeping the shaft pointed at your target. Your hands will be close to your shoulders. From here, swing through and hold your finish position in balance. Now lower the club onto your left shoulder. Again, the shaft should be pointing at your target. This golf swing drill teachs you how to use your arms and hands correctly to increase your clubhead speed.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Saturday, November 17, 2007

How Do I Properly Hit A Chips Shot?

I have recently had A LOT of trouble with my chipping. I hit most of my chip shots low and the go over the green. It is so bad that I can feel that I am hitting the ball on the bottom of the club face. What can I do?

Well keep your chin up and keep smiling as I have three suggestions for you!!!
  1. During a chipshot, make sure that you are keeping you shoulders, forearms and the back of your neck relaxed throughout the entire stroke.
  2. To make sure you are swinging down at the ball, set up with 70% (adjust as needed) of your weight on your left foot for a right-handed golfer and place your hands equal to your left hip. By now taking your putting stroke from this position, this will make the shaft come into the ball on a steeper path.
  3. Read the article Boot Camp For Chip Shots

Let us know how this helps!!!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Friday, November 16, 2007

How Do I Start To Work On My Mental Game?

I have been wanting to work on my mental game. I really do not know where to start. Do you have any suggestions?

Of course we do!!! We have written an article titled 5 Steps To Improve Your Golf Mental Game which should give you a good start. Two of the golf tips talk about your breathing and how to be your own best caddy. Let us know what you think and how it works!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Playing Golf With The Boss

My boss has asked me to play a round of golf with him. Is there proper "golf office etiquette" for this?

First of all congratulations as this should be a sign that you are doing well!!! Here is an article How To Play Golf With "The Boss" that covers this from head to toe. In addition, check out Office Golf by David Owen. This golf book tells you how to play golf with others in the office.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What Is The Best Practice Club?

I was wondering what you thought the best practice club available is to help my full swing. Are these weighted practice clubs any good?

Great question!!! Some are and some are not. I would recomend the GoflGym Club 38. It is approximately 2.4 pounds and although that does not sound like much, it will work you out! It is one of the few clubs that is weighted in porportion to a real golf club. The extra weight will stregthen your golf muscles as well as improve your golf flexibility or range of motion. The extra weight of the Club 38 allows you to feel where the club "should" be as opposed to where you are currently manipulating the club to go. :) Let us know how it goes!

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How Can I Check That I Am Properly Holding My Finish When I Putt?

My friends tell me that I do not hold my finish with my putting stroke. Why is this a big deal and how do I fix it?

This is a very common problem that you will even see on Sunday on the PGA Tour from time to time. Not holding the finish with your putting stroke is a big deal because you are typically not hitting a solid putt. This means that your putting distance control is probably an issue for you. Here are the steps to fix it and start holing more putts:

  1. Pick a flat putt from only two feet from the putting cup. It is important to be this close to the hole so you can watch the ball go into the hole over and over again.

  2. Take a putting stroke and insure that your hands and putter shaft finish past your pants seam on your left leg for a right-handed golfer. In order to do this, you MUST keep an angle in your right wrist until you have completed the putting stroke.

  3. Once you have finished your putting stroke, hold your finish as you slowly count one, two, three. This will give you time to evaluate where your finish position is. Watch any tour and count as the pros finish their putting stroke.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

How Do I Hold My Finish When I Putt?

My friends tell me that I do not hold my finish when I putt. How can I fix this?

This is a common problem which does not take to long to fix. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Pick a straight two foot putt on the practice putting green
  2. Begin making putts from this position.
  3. After you make your putting stroke and are in your putting finish position, count to three very slowly.
  4. If you are a right-handed putter, your putter shaft should be past your left leg and you right wrist should be bent.
  5. In order to do this, the tension in your arms must be close to nil or nothing at all.

At VGS Golf find golf instruction articles written on topis such as Full Swing, Golf Club Fitting, Golf Fitness, Mental Game, Putting, Short Game, Golf Equipment, Ladies Golf, Junior Golf as well as various topics that you would hear in a 19th Hole.

In addition VGS Golf offers golf products in the following categories:Full Swing Golf Training Aids, Golf Art, Golf Books, Golf Equipment, Golf Gifts, Golf Greeting Cards, Golf Instruction CD, Golf Instruction DVD, Golf Picture Frames, Ladies Golf, Putting Golf Training Aids, Wine and Golf as well as a VGS Golf Blog and a Wireless Golf Coach - Question And Answer Golf Blog

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Golf Nutrition

I am in good shape and just do not understand why I can not focus in my round of golf after 12 or 13 holes. It is like I just flat run out of energy.

Obviously, past your doctor saying that all is ok, I would suggest you look at what you are eating prior and during your round. Here is an article that may help. Read More